
class BaseField(*, default=None, required=False, unique=False)

The base class for any field. Used for connecting to the parent document and calling general methods for setting and validating values.

  • default – optional (None) – Defines a default value based on the field type.
  • required (bool) – optional (False) – Defines if the fields value can be None.
  • unique (bool) – optional (False) – Defines if the fields value has to be unique.

TypeMismatch – Trying to set a value with the wrong type


class FloatField(*, default=None, required=False, unique=False)

Bases: motorturbine.fields.base_field.BaseField

This field only allows a float type to be set as its value.


class IntField(*, default=None, required=False, unique=False)

Bases: motorturbine.fields.base_field.BaseField

This field only allows an int type to be set as its value.


class StringField(*, default=None, required=False, unique=False)

Bases: motorturbine.fields.base_field.BaseField

This field only allows a str type to be set as its value.


class BooleanField(*, default=None, required=False, unique=False)

Bases: motorturbine.fields.base_field.BaseField

This field only allows an bool type to be set as its value.


class ObjectIdField(*, default=None, required=False, unique=False)

Bases: motorturbine.fields.base_field.BaseField

This field only allows a bson.ObjectId to be set as its value.


class DateTimeField(*, default=None, required=False, unique=False)

Bases: motorturbine.fields.base_field.BaseField

This field allows multiple types to be set as its value but will always parse them to a datetime object.

Accepted types:
  • str - Any accepted by dateutil.parser.parse() (docs)
  • int - Unix timestamp
  • float - Unix timestamp
  • datetime.datetime


Make sure to always use UTC times when trying to insert times to avoid issues between timezones! For example use datetime.utcnow() instead of


class ReferenceField(reference_doc, *, allow_subclass=False, default=None, required=False, unique=False)

Bases: motorturbine.fields.objectid_field.ObjectIdField

This field allows another Document to be set as its value. A ReferenceField does not auto-insert other fields. Therefore make sure to insert them before you try to set them as a reference.

  • reference_doc (BaseDocument) – Sets the document type that will be checked when setting the reference.
  • allow_subclass (bool) – optional (False) – Controls whether or not it should be possible to set instances of a subclass of the specified document as a reference.


class DocumentField(embed_doc, *, default=None, required=False, unique=False)

Bases: motorturbine.fields.base_field.BaseField

This field allows another Document to be set as its value. Any document inserted as an embedded field will be treated like an object inside of its parent. It enables to create more complex document trees than by just using MapField.

Example usage:

class Identifier(BaseDocument):
    serial = fields.StringField()
    stamp = fields.DateTimeField()
    location = fields.StringField()

class Part(BaseDocument):
    name = fields.StringField()
    ident = fields.DocumentField(Identifier)

now = datetime.utcnow()
ident = Identifier(serial='9X1-33D-52A', stamp=now, location='US')
part = Part(name='Xerxes', ident=ident)


In this example an Identifier is attached to each Part that is produced. It wouldn’t have been easily possibly to create this structure by using a MapField because the Identifier is built from more than one data types.

Parameters:embed_doc (BaseDocument) – Sets the document type that will be checked when embedding an instance.


DocumentFields are not only stackable with each other, it is also possible to insert them into a ListField or MapField.


class ListField(sub_field, *, default=[], required=False, unique=False)

Bases: motorturbine.fields.base_field.BaseField

This field only allows a list type to be set as its value.

If an entire list is set instead of singular values each entry in the new list has to match the subfield that was set when initialising the field.

Parameters:sub_field (BaseField) – Sets the field type that will be used for the entires of the list.


class MapField(value_field, key_field=StringField(), *, default={}, required=False, unique=False)

Bases: motorturbine.fields.base_field.BaseField

This field only allows a dict type to be set as its value.

If an entire dict is set instead of singular values each key-value pair in the new dict has to match the subfields that were set when initialising the field.

Parameters:value_field (BaseField) – Sets the field type that will be used for the values of the dict.